A baseline survey of the indigenous bird values of the Hawke's Bay coastline
- Author
- McArthur, N.; Thomas, D.; Lees, D.
- Year
- 2021
- Journal / Source
- Hawkes Bay Regional Council Publication No. 5560
- Keywords
- https://hbrc.sharepoint.com/sites/Publications/HBRC%20Publications/5560%20A%20baseline%20survey%20of%20the%20indigenous%20bird%20values%20of%20the%20Hawke%27s%20Bay%20coastline.pdf?ga=1 Try this - it should work, but wouldn't be accepted by the database.
- Summary
- Existing knowledge of patterns in the distribution and abundance of coastal birds in the Hawke’s Bay region was incomplete however, so to fill this knowledge gap, a complete region-wide coastal bird survey was carried out in January 2021.
Not available electronically