Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

A New Methodology to Investigate the Economic Implications of Coastal Managed Retreat.

Eaves, A., Kench, P., McDonald, G., Dickson, M., &; McDonald, N.
Journal / Source
unpublished report?
26 pp
Coastal risk, sea-level rise, managed retreat, Scenario Planning, System Dynamics, economic impact modelling, MERIT
This paper assesses the regional economic implications from local-scale coastal hazards under a changing climate. It explores possible financial pathways for vulnerable communities that create resilient adaptations via a managed retreat from the coast. A new Integrated Assessment Modelling approach (C-ADAPT) is created using Systems Dynamics. The tool incorporates Scenario Planning modules into an economic impact model called MERIT (Modelling the Economic Resilience of Infrastructure Tool). C-ADAPT explores the baseline impacts of coastal storms and sea-level rise on households, industries and government over 30- year simulations for the region of Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, for comparison against mitigation and adaptation scenarios.