Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

A study of coastal processes and hazards on a section of the South Canterbury coastline for a proposed for an ocean outfall for effluent disposal from a dairy processing plant Technical Report

Hoyle, J.; Bind, J.
Publisher / Organisation
This report presents results from a study of coastal processes and hazards on a section of the South Canterbury coastline, at Waimate Creek just south of Wainono Lagoon, where Fonterra Ltd have proposed an ocean outfall for effluent disposal related to planned expansion of their milk processing plant at Studholme. The overall aim study was to assess the effects of the outfall installation and operation on the local shore morphology and position, in the context of existing shoreline movement trends and as complicated by future sea-level rise and climate change effects. Scope: (a) a literature review, (b) assessment of existing shoreline management along the project shore, (c) an updated analysis of shoreline stability, (d) field inspections of the proposed outfall site at Waimate Creek and of the Clandeboye outfall that was installed north of Timaru in 2005, (e) assessment of sea flooding by wave overtopping and storm surge and assessment of Tsunami hazard on the project and (f) assessment of effects on the project shore of predicted rises in sea-level and changes in wave-climate. The assessment of project effects included: (a) advice/recommendations on outfall design and construction issues relating to coastal process (b) assessment of project effects on shore processes, stability, and flooding hazard during and post construction, and (c) mitigation and monitoring recommendations during and post construction.
Not available electronically