Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

An investigation of the effects of Polynesian and European land use on sedimentation in Coromandel estuaries Technical Report

Hume, T.M. &; Dahm, J.
Journal / Source
Department of Conservation Hamilton
Sediments, Bathymetry
The Coromandel Peninsula has historically been subjected to large scale catchment clearance and waste disposal to water courses associated with early European kauri logging, gum digging and mining. As most sediment runoff eventually ends up in coastal waters, cores of sea floor sediments can provide one of the best records of the impact of such past land use activities. This study was commissioned by the Department of Conservation to provide a preliminary appraisal of the impacts of historical mining and logging activities on sediments in Coromandel estuaries and tests methods for assessing the impact of mining and logging activities on the marine environment. Purpose: To determine sediment impacts on Coromandel estuaries from past land uses for comparison with future forestry clearance and potential mining activities.
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