Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Bay of plenty region sand dune vegetation mapping and condition assessment methods for Tauranga Ecological District Technical Report

Wildland Consultants
Journal / Source
Wildland Consultants Report
Publisher / Organisation
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
The Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information (TFBIS) Programme was established to improve awareness and management of New Zealand's indigenous biodiversity, and this can be facilitated by increased awareness and access to relevant data and information. Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP) survey reports and similar ecological survey reports are an important information resource on indigenous biodiversity and provide recommendations about the protection and management of natural areas throughout New Zealand. This report summarises the PNAP survey reports and similar ecological reports currently available, including the coverage of ecological districts by PNAP or other ecological surveys, and the extent of data currently digitised. Furthermore, this report assesses and provides advice on methods to facilitate access to hard copies and electronic copies and associated costs, and risks if access to existing PNAP and other ecological survey reports were to be improved. The purpose and structure of the report is based on a brief (Appendix 1) provided by the Department of Conservation. The 51 published PNAP survey reports and 17 unpublished reports represent a major information resource on indigenous biodiversity which is well utilised and highly valued by a wide range of users. Although there has been variation in the methods used, and the coverage is not complete, collectively, PNAP survey reports represent an unmatched resource on a national scale, based on ecological districts. There is also largely one owner or custodian, the Department of Conservation, which makes future management more straightforward. There are also a large number of other ecological survey reports, also covering much of New Zealand. These have, however, been undertaken for a wide range of parties, and the methods, evaluation systems, contents, and coverage vary widely. The TFBIS Programme could usefully assist with improvements in the management, archiving, and ongoing provision of PNAP survey reports. A cost-effective and practical way to do this would be to establish a web-based central repository of image format .pdf files, available for supply either via the TFBIS Programme website or on CDRom.