Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Beach nourishment from a nearshore dredge spoil dump at Mount Maunganui Beach Thesis

Foster, G.A.
Journal / Source
Unpublished MSc thesis, university of Waikato, New Zealand
The remains of barnacles found in various middens in the North Aotea region are largely of the same species as those still living on the local shores today. Some of the barnacle species are epifaunal on shells of the molluscs that dominate the middens, so their inclusion in the middens is probably incidental. However, one species, Epopella plicata, is found consistently enough in the middens, and in a shape that could only have lived on rocks, to show that it must have been deliberately collected by the pre-European Maori people as a diet supplement.
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