Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Biology and ecology of Senecio glastifolius and its spread and impacts in New Zealand DOC Publication

Williams, P.A.; Ogle, C.C.; Timmins, G.; La Cock, G.; Reid, V.
Journal / Source
Science for Conservation
Publisher / Organisation
Department of Conservation
Senecio glastifolius
weeds, distribution, ecology, impacts, management
Senecio glastifolius is a tall perennial herb from South Africa. The history of introduction and spread, biology, ecology, and impacts of S. glastifolius in New Zealand are summarised. It was first recorded wild in 1963 and for several decades it remained largely confined to a few ruderal sites near Gisborne and in the southern North Island. However, it now occupies a wide range of mostly coastal sites, especially from Wellington to Wanganui, where in recent years it has begun to spread dramatically along the coast. On highly modified coastal sites it has little interaction with indigenous vegetation. In contrast, where S. glastifolius is invading native species in habitats such as dune slacks it should be controlled as part of a site-led weed control program. All plants beyond its present range should be eradicated as part of a weed-led control program to prevent further spread of the species.