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Coromandel/Firth of Thames integrated coastal planning project Technical Report

Beca Carter Hollings &; Ferner Ltd
Publisher / Organisation
Waikato Regional Council
Environment Waikato has commissioned a study to explore with other resource management agencies in the east coast of the Waikato region (Coromandel/Firth of Thames) a framework for integrated planning for the use, development and protection of the coastal environment. The study explores what has been termed a local coastal planning (LCP) model. This model is characterised by resource management agencies making joint management plans, which cover multiple jurisdictions, which encompass both the land and sea of the coastal environment, and are at a scale, which is locally relevant for particular areas of the coast. The Coromandel/Firth of Thames is an extensive geographic area. There is approximately 880km of coastline, including approximately 200km of islands. This area is characterised by unique settlements, diverse natural and physical resources, important values and a wide range of pressures on the coastal environment. The integrated coastal planning (ICP) scoping study is not a detailed assessment of site-specific issues, rather it is an exploration of a model for integrated planning and management of the coastal environment as well as an initial analysis of the key issues within the area and identification of potential information gaps.