Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Esplanade and Foreshore Reserves Management Plan 2008

Nelson City Council
153 pp
This management plan sets out the objectives and policies for 40 Esplanade / Foreshore reserves administered by Nelson City Council (NCC). Esplanade and Foreshore reserves are reserves located adjacent to rivers, streams or the sea. (NB: Tahunanui Reserve and Haven Holes currently have their own management plans and are therefore not included in this document. (both are available on this database)). While these areas are all managed as “esplanade” or “foreshore” reserves, in reality they are held under a mixture of land tenure. They include Local Purpose (Esplanade), Recreation, or Scenic Reserve gazetted under the Reserves Act 1977, freehold land and occasionally road reserve. Since the passing of the Resource Management Act (RMA) in 1991, creation of esplanade reserves or strips is generally a condition of subdivision in riverside or foreshore areas. This legislation therefore also strongly influences reserve management in relation to activities and effects of activities.