Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

First Pass Coastal Erosion Assessment and Identification of High Risk Areas (Appendix 3 to Section 32: Coastal Environment) Technical Report

Tonkin &; Taylor
Publisher / Organisation
New Plymouth District Council
erosion, assessment, risk identification
The New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) coastline is almost 100 km long and extends from just south of the Stony River almost to Mokau in the North. This coast comprises approximately 71 km of cliff (consolidated) shoreline and 29 km of unconsolidated shoreline with the coast to the west of Motunui being primarily of volcanic origin (mainly lahar deposits) while the coast east/north of Motunui is primarily of sedimentary origin (mainly siltstone ‘papa’ rock). Most of the district coastline has either experienced or is predicted to be at risk from coastal erosion. NPDC is currently reviewing its District Plan which needs to be prepared in accordance with the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS), so areas at risk of coastal hazards need to be identified. The erosion hazard provisions in the Operative District Plan are some 30 years old and since that time understanding of processes has advanced, data availability has increased, and official guidance including the need to predict the effects of future climate change scenarios must be incorporated.