Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Foxton ecological district: Survey report for the protected natural areas programme Technical Report

Ravine, D.A.
Journal / Source
New Zealand Protected Natural Areas Programme
Publisher / Organisation
Department of Conservation, Wanganui
The Foxton Ecological District was surveyed as part of the New Zealand Protected Natural Areas Programme during 1989 and 1990. The Foxton Ecological District contains the largest sand dune system in New Zealand. lt is part of the Manawatu Ecological Region, along with the Manawatu Plains Ecological Distict and is situated on the west coast of the North Island, lt has had a history of major modification and now contains mostly farmland, exotic pine plantations and urban areas. Several natural areas remain, mostly in coastal dunes or associated with lakes. Weeds and drainage are major threats to remaining natural values. There are 29 protected natural areas in the district, totalling 2,470ha or 2.2% of the area of the district. Of these, four are recreation reserve, with approximately 1,080 ha leased for grazing. Thus only 1.3% of the district is effectively protected. Sixty areas have been recommended for protection, totally 1,750 ha or 1.6% of the area of the district. These areas comprise 46 priority one areas (1,435 ha) and 14 priority two areas (315 ha). These areas, together with the existing protected natural area network, represent the full range of ecological diversity remaining in the ecological district, much of which has already been lost.