Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Freshwater survey report- Ohiwa Harbour catchment Technical Report

Bioxham, M.
Journal / Source
Environmental Publication
Publisher / Organisation
Environment Bay of Plenty, Whakatane
A study of streams in the Ohiwa Harbour catchment was carried out to quantify the freshwater fish values of Ohiwa Harbour’s tributaries and impediments to fish passage. The report also discussed factors such as geomorphology and fish passage barriers which restrict available habitat area. Quantitative records for the threatened species shortjaw kokopu, long fin eel and banded kokupu are given. The report uses information in NIWA’s freshwater fish database, and surveyed previously un-surveyed stream. The report builds on knowledge from an earlier DOC survey on fish passage barriers by corroborating, using fish survey techniques, which streams presently provide fish access and, of those that do not, how effective the instream obstacles are at arresting fish passage. Eleven fish species were encountered. New populations of several species were also discovered.
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