Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan: Coastal Hazards Additional Advice (Volume 1) Plan
- Author
- R. Reinen-Hamill
- Editor
- Tonkin & Taylor
- Year
- 2008
- Publisher / Organisation
- Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
- Number
- 4043
- Month
- April
- Pages
- 49
- Summary
- This letter report responds to a request for additional advice which included: • A review of location-specific coastal hazard assessments presented at Haumoana, Ocean Beach, Mangakuri, Mahanga, Awatoto, Aramoana and Te Awanga. • Outline matters that would improve the level of certainty with the existing data, with data that could be obtained in the next 3 to 6 months and over the next 3 to 5 years. • Provide a response to the queries: − Why do we get different outcomes if slightly different methods are used? − Why should the T&T coastal hazard assessment methodology be used as opposed to other methodology? • Review the ERZ based on additional data and information.