Impacts of climate change on erosion and erosion control methods - A critical review Technical Report
- Author
- Ministry of Primary Industries
- Year
- 2012
- Publisher / Organisation
- Ministry of Primary Industries
- Pages
- 208
- Summary
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s (MAF, now Ministry of Primary Industries) Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change (SLMACC) programme provides funding for research to understand the impacts of a changing global climate. In the SLMACC investment priorities for 2011/12 MAF sought a project to summarise what is known of the impacts of climate change on erosion processes and erosion control methods. Landcare Research assembled a team of experts in climate change prediction, erosion processes and plant-based erosion control from NIWA, GNS Science, AgResearch, Plant & Food Research and Scion to review current understanding of climate change predictions, develop a regional assessment of the likely impacts of climate change on erosion rates and processes, and to evaluate the implications for erosion control.