Investigation of New Zealand’s natural magnetic minerals for application in inroad charging systems Journal Paper
- Author
- Trompetter, William J.; Leveneur, Jérôme; Kennedy, John; Rumsey, Ben; McCurdy, Murray; Chong, Shen; Long, Nick
- Year
- 2020
- Journal / Source
- International Journal of Modern Physics B
- Publisher / Organisation
- World Scientific
- Volume
- 34
- Number
- 01n03
- Month
- January
- 1793-6578
- Keywords
- Magnetic materials, magnetic minerals, charging systems, inductive power transfer
- Summary
- There has been a steadily increasing demand for magnetic materials in devices and charging systems over recent decades. The advent of in-road inductive power transfer (IPT) charging systems in the near future will massively increase the demand. Better, nonbrittle and affordable magnetic materials are required so that vehicles can run over charging pads built into the road without destroying them. This will require innovative solutions and new magnetic material sources to meet these needs in an economically viable way. Here, we have scoped New Zealand’s (NZ) natural magnetic materials and their ability to be included as a viable magnetic material for our roads. We have investigated the magnetic permeabilities of NZ natural magnetic mineral deposits for IPT application in roads