Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Key Ecological Areas of the Hawke's Bay Coastal Marine Area

Lundquist, C. Watson, S; McCartain, L.; Stephenson , F.
Journal / Source
Hawkes Bay Regional Council Publication No. 5479
Keywords link is working on HBRC site.
A present priority for regional coastal management is the identification of Significant Conservation Areas (SCAs) for regional coastal plans. Key marine biodiversity and ecosystem datasets, increasingly available at national and regional scales, can be used to assist in the identification of significant sites, when screened to provide pertinent data. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council contracted NIWA to review different criteria used to assess key ecological areas (KEA) and recommend a set of criteria to be used. Following this, NIWA acquired the relevant data, assessed comprehensiveness and gaps in data layers, and performed some initial spatial prioritisation using the collated data layers
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