Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Mangroves and salt marshes of Ohiwa Harbour: the distribution of salt marshes and mangroves, with notes on ecology, reservation proposals and disturbance to the harbour ecosystem Technical Report

Daniel. L.J.
Publisher / Organisation
Department of Lands and Survey, Gisborne
The distribution of salt marshes and mangroves is described and mapped in this report. The taxonomy of mangroves, their physiology, their role in the food chain and their expansion with sedimentation are all discussed. A table is provided of major salt marsh and mangrove sites with a description of community and disturbance. The ecological values of the Harbour in providing food and habitat to bird and fish species, as well as threats to the Harbour ecosystem, are discussed. Species observed during the study are noted.
Not available electronically