Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Marine biodiversity stocktake of the Waikato region 2015 - Volume 1: Report and references Technical Report

Bouma, S.
Journal / Source
Waikato Regional Council Technical Report
Publisher / Organisation
Waikato Regional Council
The coastal marine area is valued for its ecosystems and biodiversity and for a range of uses including recreation and commercial opportunities. In particular, estuaries and harbours are highly visible and valued features of the coastal landscape. They link freshwater and marine environments and as such provide a range of ecological services, including export of detritus, nutrients and sediment to the coastal zone, providing nursery habitats for fish and crustaceans and roosting areas for marine and coastal birds. Estuaries are preferred sites for human settlement and provide opportunities for recreation, including boating, swimming, windsurfing, fishing and kayaking. Gathering seafood is of particular importance to tangata whenua and numerous archaeological, historical and cultural sites are located in and around estuaries. Waikato Regional Council recognises that the coastal marine area is largely public space that supports a wide range of public and private uses that may result in conflict. Waikato Regional Council has to make decisions on how and where activities may be established or be carried out. This decision making takes into consideration biodiversity values, interests, uses, costs and benefits from development and effects of activities. Waikato Regional Council recognises that good decision-making is underpinned by good scientific information. Particularly important, in relation to marine biodiversity, is information on species and/or habitats present, and their vulnerability/sensitivity to activities and uses. This includes vulnerable life stages of species and the sensitivity of species or habitats to specific pressures. This report focused on collating this type of information.