Nursery pot trials evaluating koi carp as fertiliser Technical Report
- Author
- J. Bonner, D. Bergin, M. Bergin
- Year
- 2020
- Publisher / Organisation
- Coastal Restoration Trust of NZ
- Month
- April
- Pages
- 10
- Keywords
- Koi carp, nursery, potting mix, pest fish
- Summary
- Koi carp are an invasive pest fish thought to have been imported into New Zealand accidentally in the 1960s. This noxious species resemble gold fish and are now widespread in Auckland and Waikato regions and are spreading into Northland, southern North Island and Nelson/Marlborough. Numbers have exploded in the rivers and lakes of the lower Waikato basin over the last 3 decades where they cause catastrophic habit loss for native fauna and flora and have a detrimental effect on water quality.