Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Observations on the food of the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus L) in Wellington, New Zealand Journal Paper

Brockie, R.E.
Journal / Source
New Zealand Journal of Science
In skul l measurements and in body siz e New Zealand animals y^/ere found to be smalle r than European ones. The teet h were very irregular * The in - fluenc e of sex, age and season on weight v/as studied . The bulk of the food snails, slugs, millipede s and the larva e of lepidopter a and Coleoptera . On the basis of liv e marking and recaptur e studie s i t was found tha t Kew Zealand hedgehogs generall y restric t their movements to an are a of 400 to 800 yards square . Kales appear to wander furthe r than females, especiall y in the breeding season. Although individua l hedgehogs do not appear to have a territor y they do have a home range within which they remain fdr long periods - a t least sixtee n months. The hibernation perio d in the Y/ellington distric t lasts from mid-June to mid-September. Laboratory experiments showed tha t the animals are capable of aestivatin g a t temperature s of from .20
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