Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Ocean Beach restoration project: Historical shoreline positions Other Publication

Single, M.; Marshall, C.
Journal / Source
Shore Processes and Management Ltd Contract Report prepared for the Dunedin City Council
Publisher / Organisation
Dunedin City Council
The Tangimoana dune system of foredunes, parabolic dunes, dune slacks, and gravel plains were identified as a recommended area for protection in the Foxton Ecological District Protected Natural Areas survey. The main focus of the present study was of the vegetation/water relationships in the dune slacks, with special reference to the rare spiked sand sedge, Eleocharis neozelandica. In addition, cuttings of the endangered native daphne, Pimelea "Turakina", from Himatangi were planted at the Tangimoana dunelands. Excavating wetlands in deflation hollows for the creation of habitat for E. neozelandica appears after one year's observation to be a successful way to manage this species. The plant is very robust in that it can withstand extremes, and has survived well being transplanted from a glasshouse to the field situation. However, rabbit browsing appears to be a threat in late summer and may reduce reproductive output of E. neozelandica. The Pimelea "Turakina" planted at Tangimoana dunelands have established well and seedlings are present. The plants are presently only located in two areas, which would cover less than 20 m2 . It would be advisable to plant additional plants in other locations within the Tangimoana dunelands to ensure their survival.