Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Port of Napier proposed wharf and dredging project: Physical coastal environment

Single, M.
Journal / Source
Report by Shore Processes and Management Ltd for Port of Napier Ltd.
Publisher / Organisation
Port of Napier Ltd.
This report presents an overview of the physical coastal environment in the vicinity of the Napier as part of the technical information in assessing the effects of Port of Napier Limited (PoNL) proposal for capital dredging of the central fairway, outer swing basin and inner swing basin at the Port of Napier. The effects of dredging and dredge spoil disposal on the physical coastal processes and the wider coastal environment are identified through reference and interpretation of detailed technical studies that involved field observation, measurement and data collection, and numerical and empirical modelling. The main considerations for the effects on the physical coastal processes were: • Potential changes to the wave environment as a result of deepening the entrance channel and disposal of sediment, • Changes to patterns of sedimentation in the wider coastal area, and • The dispersal of fine sediments due to the dredging and disposal operation. Studies carried out to investigate these effects have shown that they are mostly negligible, and of magnitudes within the variability of the natural environment.