Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Proposed Invercargill City Plan Plan

Watt, W.J.
Publisher / Organisation
Invercargill City Council
The Natural Hazards provisions of the Proposed District Plan attracted a small number of submissions, compared with other issues, and the general tenor of the submissions supports the provisions in principle. Sixty one submission points were made by submitters on the Natural Hazards provisions of the Proposed District Plan. Twenty three of those submission points were made by Environment Southland, many of which sought minor corrections to and clarifications of the Plan but were largely supportive of it. Many of the other submission points sought minor changes to provisions that they generally supported. The requirement for territorial authorities to address natural hazard in their district plans has its roots in Sections 5 and 7 of the RMA, in the requirement to promote "sustainable management" and in the matters to which "particular regard" must be had. The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement sets out a very clear instruction to plan for the effects of sea level rise. At regional level, provisions to which the Invercargill City Council must "give effect" and "have regard" include specific policy on planning to avoid or mitigate the effects of the range of natural hazards to which the Invercargill City District is subject. The natural hazard provisions of the Proposed District Plan build on the provisions of its predecessor, the Operative District Plan. The most obvious example of this is the new understanding of "multiple hazard"