Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Regional conservation status of indigenous vascular plants in Otago

Jarvie, S., Barkla, J., Rance, B., Rogers, G., Ewans, R., Thorsen, M.
Journal / Source
Otago Threat Classification Series
Publisher / Organisation
Otago Regional Council
This report provides the first assessment of the regional conservation status of all indigenous vascular plant taxa known in Otago. Standardised methodology was followed to assess the regional threat status of 1242 indigenous vascular plant taxa in the Otago region. Two hundred and twenty-seven indigenous plant taxa were assessed as Regionally Threatened (Regionally Critical = 93; Regionally Endangered = 68; Regionally Vulnerable = 66), 275 as Regionally At Risk (Regionally Declining = 50; Regionally Naturally Uncommon = 225), 614 as Regionally Not Threatened, one as Regional Non-resident Native (Regional Coloniser = 1), and 115 as Regionally Data Deficient. The percentage of indigenous vascular plant taxa in Otago that are Regionally Threatened is 18.2%, Regionally At Risk is 22.3%, and for Regionally Data Deficient is 9.5%. An additional 10 taxa were identified that have become extinct or may have formerly occurred in the region.