Restoration planning for deep dune lakes: data review and recommendations
- Author
- Sean Waters, Dave Kelly, Kati Doehring, Lisa Floerl
- Year
- 2018
- Journal / Source
- Cawthron Institute Report No. 3201
- Publisher / Organisation
- Envirolink 1849-HZLC144 for Horizons Regional Council
- Pages
- 66 pp
- Summary
- The Manawatu-Whanganui region has approximately 57 coastal dune lakes, both deep (> 10 m maximum depth) and shallow in nature, which occur in the paleo-dune complex of the area’s west coast. These environments are internationally rare and the Horizons Regional Council (Horizons) One Plan lists numerous ecological, cultural, recreational, commercial and aesthetic values associated with these lakes and their catchments.