Seagrass condition and environmental parameters in two New Zealand estuaries Technical Report
- Author
- Dos Santos, V., Matheson, F., Pilditch, C., Arnaud, E.
- Year
- 2009
- Journal / Source
- Conference paper presented at the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference
- Summary
- This paper provides an assessment of seagrass condition and a range of environmental parameters considered indicative of stressors in five sites in two New Zealand estuaries: Tauranga (east coast) and Aotea (west coast) harbours. Stressors include coastal sedimentation, eutrophication, disease, pollutants, fishing damage, harbour development, recreation, invasive plants, and grazing by waterfowlTHREATS IDENTIFIED AND/OR DESCRIBED: Fishing, harbour development, recreation, pollutants SCOPE OF SPECIES, HABITATS AND ECOSYSTEMS IMPACTED: Seagrass, estuaries SPATIAL EXTENT OF THREAT STUDIED: Tauranga and Aotea estuaries TEMPORAL EXTENT OF THREAT STUDIED: DATASETS USED IN THE ANALYSES: Seagrass condition, environmental stressors METHODOLOGY USED TO IDENTIFY AND DETERMINE SEVERITY OF THREAT: Seagrass studied at five sites within each estuary, multivariate approach KEY FINDINGS OF THE ANALYSIS: Seagrass meadows in Tauranga harbour have declined by one-third since the 1950s
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