Shallow coastal lakes in New Zealand: assessing indicators of ecological integrity and their relationships to broad-scale human pressures
- Author
- Drake D, Kelly DJ, Schallenberg M, Enright M
- Year
- 2009
- Journal / Source
- NIWA Client Report CHC2009-004
- Pages
- 67 pp
- Keywords
- google search on title will bring it up.
- Summary
- We collected baseline biological, chemical and physical data from 45 shallow coastal New Zealand lakes (<10 m depth and usually within 25 km of the coastline) for evaluation as potential indicators of lake ecological integrity (EI). The 45 lakes of this study are geographically representative of the ~900 shallow coastal lakes in New Zealand, and the large and complex data set assembled here provides unique, detailed information about of a group of lakes that have received very little attention in the past.
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