Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Shoreline fluctuations and an assessment of a coastal hazard zone along Pauanui Beach, eastern Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand Other Publication

Gibb, J.G.; Auburn, J.H.
Journal / Source
Water and Soil technical Publication. ,
Publisher / Organisation
National Water and Soil Conservation Authority; Ministry of Works and Development, Wellington
Archaeological sites in the Bay of Plenty and on the Coromandel Peninsula which were the case studies of The Manual of Vegetation Management on Archaeological Sites by Jill Hamel and Kevin Jones were re-visited 12 years later. The object of the visits was to observe changes in vegetation cover and condition and to draw the necessary lessons on future management of the sites. Treatment of the sites had ranged from a satisfactory benign neglect, through potentially explosive weed control problems, to drastic alteration of the condition of the site from logging and hauling of pine trees, and invasion of noxious weeds and wilding pines. New management prescriptions for the sites are offered. Some further case studies are reviewed. The Central Volcanic Plateau and Taranaki have a large assemblage of historic reserves, and a review of site management under native forest is also offered. The three basic vegetation covers recommended for sites are: (a) grazed or mown grass swards; (b) early successions maintained at bracken or shrubland stage; and (c) forest canopies with manipulation of understorey to maintain a gallery effect. Suitable native plant covers of the shrubland succession stage and understorey planting need to be more fully investigated. Grassland covers offer a range of options, the main contrast being between low-fertility native or rough grasses of low productivity, and grazed swards requiring maintenance of fertility and improved grasses and legumes. The value of the 1981 recommendations is assessed. The main changes from the 1981 case study recommendations are: (a) closer recognition of culturally valuable elements in the flora of the site; and (b) suggestions for manipulating canopy cover, understorey character, and the succession generally in a way that is most cost-effective, while leaving sites in a stable condition with surface features visible.
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