Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

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Spatial planning in coastal regions: facing the impact of climate change

Boateng I
Journal / Source
FIG Publication No. 55. Publication of FIG Commission 8 Working Group 8.4 – Urban Planning in Coastal Region
Publisher / Organisation
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
60 pp
property rights
FIG Commission Working Group 8.4 Urban Planning in Coastal Regions brings together technical issues and problem solving in coastal areas for land professionals. It builds upon the key issues that were raised in the Costa Rica Declaration which acknowledge that long term sustainability will occur only as a result of continuous adaptation (resilience) to changing conditions; the urgent need for adaptation and the importance of sharing best practice among practitioners. Includes NZ case study on coastal erosion and property rights. Has the quote: . The court, in response to the claim that every landowner has a right to protect his or her land from the inroads of the sea, stated that such an approach “manifests a narrow 19th century preoccupation with proprietary right, out of keeping with the more holistic policy concerns of sustainability and environmentalism popular today”. The individual rights attaching to property ownership are not absolute and must always be subject to legitimate planning rules that now, more than ever, focus on environmental protection and public rights. (pg 43)