Statement of Evidence of Pim Jan Marius De Monchy.
- Author
- de Monchy PJM
- Year
- 2015
- Journal / Source
- IN THE MATTER OF the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER OF resource consent applications and Notices of Requirement by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to undertake the proposed Kaituna River Rediversion and Ongatoro / Maketū Estuary Enhancement Project
- Pages
- 23 pp
- Summary
- I am providing this evidence as an officer of the Regional Council and not as an expert witness. However, I note that I have an understanding of the environmental issues as a result of my qualifications and experience working on ecological restoration projects in both the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions, including the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust, Coast Care BOP, Moehau Kiwi Sanctuary, northern Coromandel feral goat eradication and several local biodiversity management plans including Te Tumu Kaituna 7B2 and Papahikahawai. My evidence covers: 5.1 The background to and context of the Project; 5.2 An overview of the Project, including its objectives; 5.3 An outline of the proposed works; 5.4 Benefits of the Project; 5.5 The alternatives to the Project that have been considered; 5.6 Consultation and key issues raised; 5.7 The land requirements for the Project; and 5.8 Response to the section 42A report.