Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Taneatua ecological district. Biological survey of reserves series report No. 12 Technical Report

Beadel, S.M.; Shaw, W.B.
Publisher / Organisation
Department of Conservation, Wellington
This report describes what is found in reserves in the Taneatua Ecological District, and gives a statement of their biological worth. Reserves described in the Ohiwa catchment are Tauwhare Pa Scenic Reserve, Uretara Island Scenic Reserve, Motuotu Nature Reserve, Ohiwa Scenic Reserve, Patawa Scenic Reserve, Matekerepu Historic Reserve and Kotare Scenic Reserve. Relevant data on the reserves included in Clarkson and Regnier (then unpublished) was incorporated into the report. For each of these sites, a vegetation map is produced, the geomorphology described, the main habitats described in detail, condition commented, a conservation ranking assigned and a section on conclusions and recommendations describes significant ecological features and pressures. There is also a section on threats and a species list is provided for each site. The information provided is very detailed, but the survey work was carried in the 1980s, so some of the information in the report would already have been out of date when it was published, and there is a large risk associated with relying on this data.
Not available electronically