Te Tumu Urban Growth Area - Stormwater Management Strategy
- Author
- Beca Limited
- Year
- 2020
- Journal / Source
- Prepared for Tumu Kaituna 14 Trust; Totara Farm Park JV interests; Ford Land Holdings Pty Ltd & the Tauranga City Council
- Pages
- 104 pp
- Summary
- This Stormwater Management Strategy (SMS) forms part of the documentation supporting the Structure Plan for development of the Te Tumu Urban Growth Area. It has been prepared in conjunction with the Structure Plan and land use planning studies, and will influence the final Te Tumu Structure Plan, and the resulting Plan Change that will be associated with opening Te Tumu for future urban development. The Tauranga City Council holds a comprehensive stormwater discharge consent for Papamoa East. This consent sets the parameters, via consent conditions, for how stormwater is to be managed within Te Tumu (and the wider Papamoa East area).