Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

The Cockayne Reserve: A report on its condition

Partridge, T.R.
Journal / Source
DSIR Botany Division Report
8 pp
The vegetation of Cockayne Reserve on the banks of the Avon River, Christchurch, has deteriorated considera bly in the las t 25 years. Niggerhead, once the domina nt species, has virtually disappeared. The dense stands of flax which replaced much of this, have also declined, being replaced by tall fescue, an introduced grass. Only the southernmost section with its input of brackish water from. the river and its resultant salt tolerant species has survived at all well. Reasons for the de cline seem to be relat e d to the lowering of the water table following drainage and loss of water input with additional damage from fire. To halt the degradation and help restore lost vegetation, it will be necessary to return water to the northern and central sections.