Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

The environmental management of the Mokau River mouth

Cunningham M
Journal / Source
Case-study commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for Te Rohe Potae district inquiry (Wai 898)
Wai 898, #A149
122 pp
This case-study, which deals with environmental and resource management of the Mokau River mouth from the 1970s, explores this transition from Maori to Crown authority. It begins with an overview of the process by which the Crown established its authority over the river mouth, particularly in the early twentieth century when commercial activity on the Mokau River was at its peak. The bulk of this section is dedicated to the environmental management regimes that have governed the River mouth from the 1970s. In particular, it explores the management of customary resources and wahi tapu of the Mokau River mouth and the extent to which provision has been made for Maori consultation and participation.