Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

The Taranaki Biodiversity Forum Accord. A community response to protecting native plants, animals and habitats

38 pp
In Taranaki, there are many agencies, community groups and individuals that have an interest in biodiversity. Sometimes our interest is derived from a statutory function and responsibility, while for others it’s a passion and we just want to do our bit. Until now, there has been no document that has attempted to set out agreed priorities and actions in order to coordinate and add value to our respective efforts. This document is the Taranaki Biodiversity Forum Accord –A community response to protecting native plants, animals and habitats (the Accord). This Accord was an initiative arising out of the Third Taranaki Biodiversity Forum whereby signatories agreed to work together to set out a strategic vision, desired outcomes, priorities and actions that will: (a) Raise the profile of biodiversity generally and increase awareness and understanding of the issues (b) Provide a vehicle for dialogue, including information sharing, between like-minded but diverse interests (c) Identify common ground and establish a publicly-agreed policy position and partnerships (d) Make a commitment to positive action (e) Establish a collaborative framework to better work together and identify opportunities for obtaining the best results from finite resources.