Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand

Coastal Dune Ecosystem Reference Database

Waikanae Beach coastal hazards summary

Publisher / Organisation
Kapiti Coast District Council
full report at
Key findings • The Waikanae shoreline has a good sediment supply that has resulted in historical shoreline growth in the past. • If this trend continues, only a small amount of erosion (10m) is projected to occur over the next 30 years, which will be associated with extremely large storms. However, the shoreline is projected to erode under higher RSLR scenarios over the next 50–100 years. • Waikanae Beach is susceptible to flooding from storm tides through the Waikanae Estuary and Waimeha Stream which provide pathways for flooding from the sea. • Under current conditions, flooding in an extreme tide event is localized to drains, streams and lagoons, but with future RSLR the area susceptible to coastal flooding will increase, becoming extensive in the highest RSLR scenario considered.