West Coast Regional Policy Statement Other Publication
- Author
- West Coast Regional Council
- Year
- 2000
- Publisher / Organisation
- West Coast Regional Council
- Summary
- The aims of this report, prepared for the WCRC, are to summarise current natural hazard literature relevant to the region, identify gaps in hazard knowledge and information, and provide a comprehensive reference list. Specifically examined hazards were: 1) River flooding and aggradation hazards. 2) Landslides and landslide dam hazards. 3) Coastal hazards (stability, storm surge, tsunami, sea level rise). 4) Earthquakes hazards (ground shaking, surface rupture, liquefaction, seiches). 5) Climatic hazards (strong wind, tornadoes, hail, snow, ice, droughts, wildfires). Each hazard was discussed in terms of causes, effects magnitude, frequency, and a literature review. Hazard awareness and information flows were also examined. The main findings of the report are: