coastal adaptation to climate changeNewsletter
A. Hume et al, 2011. Expand
A. Hume et al, 2011. Expand
Stewart, C.; Becker, J.S.; Coomer, M.; Wilson, T.; Davies, A.; Hume, T., 2007, GNS Science Report. Expand
Blackett,P.; Smith, E.; Rouse, H.; Hume, T.; Rickard, D.; Hume, A.; Bell, R.; Ramsey, D.; Dahm, J.; Wishart, P.; Singleton, P.; Pickett, V.. Expand
Becker, J.S; Stewart, C; Coomer, M; Hume, T; Blackett, P; Davies, A., 2007, GNS Science Report. Expand
Briggs, R.M.; Laurent, J.C.; Hume, T.M.; Swales, A., 2009, Proceedings of the 42nd AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference. Expand
Atkin, E.A.; Hume, T.M.; Bryan, K.; Mead, S.T.; Waiti, J., 2017. Expand
A. Swales, T.M. Hume, 1994, Consultancy Report. Expand
Swales, A. and Hume, T.M. (NIWA), 1995. Expand
Bogle, J.A.; Bryan, K.R.; Black, K.P.; Hume, T.M.; Healy, T.R., 2001, International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2000). Expand