Archaeological evidence of former native occupation of eastern Palliser BayJournal Paper
Adkin, G.L., 1955, Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
Adkin, G.L., 1955, Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
Fleming, C.A., 1955, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology Section B. Expand
Jefferson, C., 1955, The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
Trotter, M.M., 1955, Journal of Polynesian Society. Expand
Cotton, C.A., 1955, Transactions of the Royal society of New Zealand. Expand
Dellow, V; Cassie, R.M., 1955, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand
Bell, L.C, 1955, Notornis. Expand
Mason, G.W.; Preest, D.S., 1955. Expand
Cassie, R.M., 1955, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. Expand
Van Kraeyenoord, C.W.S., 1955. Expand