A classification of the New Zealand Genera of Tachinidae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha)Journal Paper
Dugdale, J.S., 1969, New Zealand Journal of Science. Expand
Dugdale, J.S., 1969, New Zealand Journal of Science. Expand
C.J Burrows, 1969. Expand
McKnight D.G., 1969, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. Expand
Nicholson, D.S., 1969, New Zeland Journal of Science. Expand
Graham, K.J., 1969. Expand
Harrowfield, D.L., 1969, N.Z. Archaeological Association Newsletter. Expand
McCoy, J.; Cross, D.; Byers, G.; Nairn, K., 1969. Expand
Beu, A.G., 1969, New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics. Expand
Shawcross, W., 1969, World archaeology. Expand
1969, New Zealand Geographer. Expand