A behavioural study of Lagrioida brouni Pascoe (Coleoptera: Lagriidae)Thesis
Nicol, G.F., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
Nicol, G.F., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
Newhook, F.J.; Dickson, E.M.; Bennett, K.J., 1971, Tane. Expand
Fleming, C.A., 1971, New Zealand journal of geology and gephysics. Expand
Miller, M.E., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
Coutts, P.J.F., 1971, The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
Coutts, P.J.F., 1971, The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
Nicol, G.F., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
McLean, R.F.; Burgess, J.S., 1971, Second Australian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 1975: The Engineer, the Coast and the Ocean. Expand
McConkey, B.F., 1971, Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North. Expand
Munro, M., 1971, Notornis. Expand