Coastal landforms and sediments of the Marlborough SoundsThesis
Lauder, G.A., 1987, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Expand
Lauder, G.A., 1987, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Expand
Dunn, A.S., 2010, PhD. Expand
Burgess, J.S., 1971, PhD Thesis. Expand
Pishief, E.D., 2012, unpublished PhD. Expand
Martin RD, 2020, PhD. Expand
Krejcek, S.C., 2014, PhD Thesis. Expand
Somerfield, K.G., 1974, Unpublished PHD Thesis University of Auckland, Auckland. Expand
MacPherson, J.M., 1978, PhD Thesis. Expand
Campbell, P.A., 1973, Unpublished PHD Thesis, Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, Christchurch. Expand
Lawton, D.C., 1979, Unpublished PhD Thesis, lodged in the Library, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Expand