Hawke's Bay Regional Resource Management PlanPlan
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2006. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2006. Expand
Komar, P.D.; Harris, E., 2014, Report to the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2014. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2010. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2011. Expand
2017, National Science Challenges. Expand
Komar PD, 2005, Report for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Expand
Lloyd, E., 2009. Expand
Smith, H; Spinks, A; Poutama, M, 2014, Manaaki Taha Moana: Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems Report. Expand
Hewitt, J E., Lohrer, A M, Townsend, M., 2012, Auckland Council technical report. Expand