Climate change and variability - Horizons RegionTechnical Report
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Pearce, P.; Paul, V.; Mullan, B.; Zammit, C.; Sood, A.; Bell, R.; Law, C., 2016, Horizons Report. Expand
Chappell, P; Mullan, B; Paul, V; Bell, R; Law, C., 2015. Expand
Harris Consulting. Expand
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Spence, H., 2011, Dune Restoration Trust of New Zealand Technical Handbook. Expand
McKim, L., 2016. Expand
Royal Society of New Zealand, 2016. Expand
Dunedin City Council, 2011. Expand
Dunedin City Council. Expand
Foley, M.M.; Carbines, M., 2019, Auckland Council technical report, TR2019/015. Expand