On the edge: Celebrating the diversity of New Zealand's coastal landformsBook
Kenny, J.A.; Hayward, B.W., 2013, Geoscience Society of New Zealand Guidebook No. 17. Expand
Kenny, J.A.; Hayward, B.W., 2013, Geoscience Society of New Zealand Guidebook No. 17. Expand
Waikato Regional Council, 2013. Expand
Biswell, S., 2013, Coastal News. Expand
Queen Elizabeth II National Trust, 2013, Queen Elizabeth II National Trust. Expand
2013. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2013. Expand
Dove, K.; Popov, N., 2013, Proceedings of the 50th International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress, 'Shared Wisdom in an Age of Change. Expand
Auckland Council, 2013. Expand
Auckland Council, 2013, Auckland Council District Plan. Expand
Taranaki Regional Council, 2013. Expand