Cadastral shoreline digitization project: Waikato RegionTechnical Report
Shand, R.D., 2019, 2019-06 LRep. Expand
Shand, R.D., 2019, 2019-06 LRep. Expand
Ministry for the Environment & Hawke's Bay Regional Council, 2020. Expand
Peterson, P.; Simcock, R., 2020. Expand
Sijbranda, D.C.; Hunter, S.; Howe, L.; Lenting, B.; Argilla, L.; Gartrell, B.D., 2017, New Zealand Veterinary Journal. Expand
Ed Atkin, Greg Jenks, Shaw Mead, 2017. Expand
Castlecliff Coast Care, 2018. Expand
Schiel, D.R.; Gerrity, S.; Orchard, S.; Alestra, T.; Dunmore, R.A.; Falconer, T.; Thomsen, M.S.; Tait, L.W., 2021, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Expand
Robertson, Barry.; Robertson, Ben.; Stevens, L., 2017. Expand
Roberts, J; Neale, D., 2016, NIWA. Expand
Orchard, S.; Hickford, M.J., 2018, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. Expand