Near Shore Marine Classification SystemDOC Publication
Kerr, V.C., 2005, Report for Department of Conservation. Expand
Kerr, V.C., 2005, Report for Department of Conservation. Expand
Clark, D., 2014. Expand
Bentley, J., 2015. Expand
Gillespie, P.; Clement, D.; Asher, R., 2011, Cawthron Report. Expand
Stevens, L.; Robertson, B., 2017. Expand
2008, NZ national parks and reserves rangers' archive. Expand
Iremonger, S., 2007. Expand
Iremonger, S., 2011. Expand
Scholes, P., 2005, Environmental Publication. Expand
Frost, P.G.H., 2010, Notornis. Expand