Environment Topics: Land Management, Native TreesFactsheet
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2004. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2004. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 1995. Expand
Dahm, J., 1994, Proceedings of the 1994 New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architests Conference. Expand
Waikato Regional Council, 2002, Environment Waikato: Coastal Hazards and Developments Setback Recommendations Summary Report. Expand
Rogers, G.M; Wiser, S.K., 2010, New Zealand journal of botany. Expand
Moller, H.; Moller, S.I., 2012. Expand
J Shulmeister, JM Soons, GW Berger, M Harper, M Harper, S Holt, N Moar, JA. Carter, 1999, Palaeo. Expand
Healy, T.R.; McGabe, B.; Grace, R.; Harms, C., 1988. Expand
Kerkmeester, L; Jackson, G., 1997. Expand
Sweeney, C.A., 2007. Expand