Hawke Bay Coastal Strategy. Coastal Risk AssessmentTechnical Report
Tonkin & Taylor, 2016. Expand
Tonkin & Taylor, 2016. Expand
Hashiba, K.; Wade, O.; Hesketh, W., 2014. Expand
Tonkin + Taylor, 2022, report for Hawkes Bay Regional Council. Expand
Napier City Council, 2009. Expand
Haggitt, T; Wade, O., 2016. Expand
R. Reinen-Hamill, 2008. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2006. Expand
Komar, P.D.; Harris, E., 2014, Report to the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2014. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council, 2010. Expand