Flora and vegetation of Kaitorete (Ellesmere) SpitPopular Article
Burrows, C., 1969, Cantebury Botanical Society journal. Expand
Burrows, C., 1969, Cantebury Botanical Society journal. Expand
Clarkson, B.R.; Druce, A.P., 1984, Unpublished report, Botany Division, DSIR. Expand
Taylor, G.A.; Lovegrove, T.G., 1997. Expand
Harden, G.J., 1993. Expand
Allan, H.H., 1961. Expand
Edgar, E.; Connor, H.E., 2001. Expand
Allan, H.H., 1982. Expand
Schmidt-Adam, G.; Gould, K.S.; Murray, B.G., 1999, New Zealand Journal of Botany. Expand
Dawson, J.W., 1992. Expand
Widodo, P., 1997, MSc Thesis. Expand